Starting out

The first step is the hardest, especially if it is on water. You sink or float. That being said it is hoped that all will work out one way or another.
4 options await us:
we come back with the boat
we come back with each other
we come back back with the boat and each other
we don't come back
Relatively simple eh!

Now to get down to see if I can get this blog page set up.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Ottawa River Excursion

We left Montreal and headed upstream to Lac Saint Louis, to pick up the trail to the Ottawa River. You won't believe this but there are fish leaping out of the water 4feet long. A few locals we were talking with said they are sturgeon. They are massive, and we aren't talking about random leaps we are talking hundreds. Nothing real close so you can identify the fish, but you surely see the size of them.
We rolled into the locks at St.Anne de Bellevue to head up the Ottawa River. Regrettably the bridges were not high enough to get the boat through without steeping the mast. We left our trusses in Trenton so that wasn't an option. We headed back to Beauharnois, QC to concider our options ( upstream or downstream)
3 options to concider. 1) head up to Trois Rivier, 2) work our way slowly upstream back to the Trent system. From there we can go north and head to Georgian Bay for the balance of the summer ( North Channel?) or look at how much time I have to continue on to the Welland canal, Lake Erie, Lake Huron then home.
The last option is alot of miles. but worthy of concideration.

Here are some pics for the last few nights

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