Starting out

The first step is the hardest, especially if it is on water. You sink or float. That being said it is hoped that all will work out one way or another.
4 options await us:
we come back with the boat
we come back with each other
we come back back with the boat and each other
we don't come back
Relatively simple eh!

Now to get down to see if I can get this blog page set up.

Monday, July 26, 2010

July 24-25- High Winds- Valletfield to Cornwall

2 days of excessive high winds - 20 knots with gusts to 40 right on the bow.
Yeserday we got caught in the locks for 3 hours waiting for 4 freighters to lock through. Amazingly we met a couple of powerboaters from Brechin that we met at the lock as they were heading upstream after leaving the Ottawa River. Small world.
Getting a test of the currents and we seem to be avaeraging about 3 miles an hour in these windy periods. Makes for a long day.
Today and yesterday we averaged about 18 miles.
A bit concerned yesterday as we left Beauharnois with a third of a tank of diesel. After 3 hours of slugging upstream at2-3 miles an hour, tank level started to drop, to less than a quarter. Having never run on the bottom half of the tank I was unsure how accurate the fuel guage was and what type of crap the was settled at the b>
ottom of the tank that could be sucked up and clog the fuel filters.
We did make it into Lakefield and filled up with 66 litres. A few anxious hours though.
Right now we are anchored off of Cameron Island. east of Cornwall.
The freighter activity on the St Lawrence was heavy today
A [icture of the Full moon, cameron Island and an old friend.

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