Starting out

The first step is the hardest, especially if it is on water. You sink or float. That being said it is hoped that all will work out one way or another.
4 options await us:
we come back with the boat
we come back with each other
we come back back with the boat and each other
we don't come back
Relatively simple eh!

Now to get down to see if I can get this blog page set up.

Friday, July 30, 2010

July 29-30-10 Prescott- Brockville

Two reasonable days, blue sky but cold. Actually did some sailing the last 2 days. Mostly power sailing but some "real sailing" as well. Took opportunity to sail with the main as it had been a while.
Presently 10 miles west of Brockville around 35 miles east of Kingston. As it is a holiday weekend we need to hang out a bit before we head to Kingston on Monday. Will head into Alexandria N.Y. tomorrow to see if we can get to Boldt Castle.
Other than that, we had a great evening with Jim & Monique in Prescott.
Find a pic of a US Navy boat passing us in the river, the Prescott/Ogdensburg Bridge ( the pic a few weeks ago was in the fog) and Princess Island where we are anchored.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 27-28 Upper Canada Village Morrisburg

Tue July 27-28-10
Tuesday was an extremely long day- left at 8:30am as we tried to get to the 2 American locks, west of Cornwall, early enough to beat traffic, and continue on to Crysler Marina (upper Canada Village). Wind was not as high, but current in places well over over 2 knots, this cut our cruising speed to 3-4 knots. At times we were down to 1.5-2 knots for 20-30 minutes at a time. Thank goodness the winds weren’t up as well or no progress would be made. Arrived at Snell lock at 1:15 and we didn’t exit the Eisenhower lock which was only 30 minutes upstream from the first until 7pm. We awaited the transfer of 4 freighters, while 13 boaters hung around in the basin at the bottom of the lock.
Upon exiting the lock we still had 10 miles to go to get out of American waters, otherwise if we anchored off we would have to contact US Customs.
It got darker and we chose to navigate with the chart plotter and GPS to Crysler Marina, where we arrived at 11pm, threw out the anchor and had a bite to eat.
Wednesday called for high winds again 20 kts with gusts to 40 and rain coming in the afternoon. Instead we went to Upper Canada Village and spent the afternoon enjoying pre confederation history. A few pictures to accompany it, note the Osprey are back.
No internet available so it may be a few days before I post this along with a few new pictures. PS the dates on my last post were wrong, as the days seem to melt into each other.
Hopefully off to Prescott tomorrow to link up with an uncle, if weather cooperates.

Monday, July 26, 2010

July 24-25- High Winds- Valletfield to Cornwall

2 days of excessive high winds - 20 knots with gusts to 40 right on the bow.
Yeserday we got caught in the locks for 3 hours waiting for 4 freighters to lock through. Amazingly we met a couple of powerboaters from Brechin that we met at the lock as they were heading upstream after leaving the Ottawa River. Small world.
Getting a test of the currents and we seem to be avaeraging about 3 miles an hour in these windy periods. Makes for a long day.
Today and yesterday we averaged about 18 miles.
A bit concerned yesterday as we left Beauharnois with a third of a tank of diesel. After 3 hours of slugging upstream at2-3 miles an hour, tank level started to drop, to less than a quarter. Having never run on the bottom half of the tank I was unsure how accurate the fuel guage was and what type of crap the was settled at the b>
ottom of the tank that could be sucked up and clog the fuel filters.
We did make it into Lakefield and filled up with 66 litres. A few anxious hours though.
Right now we are anchored off of Cameron Island. east of Cornwall.
The freighter activity on the St Lawrence was heavy today
A [icture of the Full moon, cameron Island and an old friend.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Ottawa River Excursion

We left Montreal and headed upstream to Lac Saint Louis, to pick up the trail to the Ottawa River. You won't believe this but there are fish leaping out of the water 4feet long. A few locals we were talking with said they are sturgeon. They are massive, and we aren't talking about random leaps we are talking hundreds. Nothing real close so you can identify the fish, but you surely see the size of them.
We rolled into the locks at St.Anne de Bellevue to head up the Ottawa River. Regrettably the bridges were not high enough to get the boat through without steeping the mast. We left our trusses in Trenton so that wasn't an option. We headed back to Beauharnois, QC to concider our options ( upstream or downstream)
3 options to concider. 1) head up to Trois Rivier, 2) work our way slowly upstream back to the Trent system. From there we can go north and head to Georgian Bay for the balance of the summer ( North Channel?) or look at how much time I have to continue on to the Welland canal, Lake Erie, Lake Huron then home.
The last option is alot of miles. but worthy of concideration.

Here are some pics for the last few nights

Ottawa River Excursion

Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 21-22/10- Day trips to Montreal

A great 2 days in Montreal. Yesterday we spent the day walking around the old city of Montreal, feet were a bit sore by the end of the day, Notre Dame, markets, court houses , banks, the old harbour etc. A bit of rain came in at 4pm but didn't last long.
Today we visited Mont Royal, Olympic Park and returned through the downtown core Saint Catherines street, then down to the old harbour and City again.
Will head out tomorrow, up the Ottawa River, if all goes well. Need to get back on the water, spending too much money.
Too many pictures to upload so here are a few.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July 20-10 Some new pics

Beauharnois sunset and Tilley putting his 2 cents in and Valleyfield QC

July 20-10 - Parlez Vois?

Arrived in Mpntrael about 7pm and took a slip in Longeuil, for a few nights. Got stuckgoing to the assigned slip. Finally had to back into the slip.. Darn boat won't reverse to starboard.Got hung up at Lock Saint Lambert, last one before Montreal, for 3 hours , one freighter going down and another going up. This coordinated with the trains made for the only delay we had in the entire locking system

Monday, July 19, 2010

July 19-10 Beauharnois Harbour QC

Been in Quebec the last 24 hours. Ended up in Valleyfield last night to get a break from high winds and pending T'storms. rain came in at 3am and was on and off until 11am. Still pending storms this afternoon. Headed a shore to do some laundry and tour the downtown waterfront by dingy. Weather broke and we headed out through 2 bridges and 2 more locks . Anchored off Beauharnois Harbour, about 20 miles from Montreal.
Here's a few pictures of the bridges, Valleyfield and Tilley's approval

Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 18-10 new pictures & crew

Eisenhower Locks, Freighters and Tilly - a close relative to Wilson

Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 17 Cornwall

Went through the 2 American locks today, Theses were about 40 ft each, you tie off to a floatig bollard , not too bad but the wind was high. Lots of freighter traffic on the seaway today ( 6 either going up or down) High winds forced us into Cornwall for the night . At on point GPS showed 9 knots (SOG) in 35 knot tail wind with a greatly furled genoa. Wind supposed to die tonight. Here are the pictures from yesterday. Ran out of battery before I could post.
About 60 miles to Montreal.

Friday, July 16, 2010

July 15/16 Upper Canada Village

Since last entry we stopped off in Prescott(of Prescott Coast Guard fame) to visit an Uncle. He was kind enough to drive us around to shop, get propane, etc. Pumped out and refuelled and took a slip overnight. Total Bill $128 ( $65 in fuel and $60 odd for the slip.) Yesterday no sailing , no wind, a slow motor from Brockville to Prescott (11 miles) Sunny day, water temp 68 degrees.

July 16 - departed Prescott at 11:30 after T-storms passed through. A slight drizzle when we left.along with some foggy areas. Overacst most of early morning,
Locked through the Iriquois locks first on the Seaway. $25 per lock. Hardly worth it as we only dropped half a metre. Water levels are down. First lock that we had to use ropes to keep the boat secured.
Winds were great all day as we we ran or were on a broad reach. On genoa only averaged 5.5 - 6.5 kts in 14kn sw winds Currents are now noticeable as we head downstream.
Arrived at Chrysler Marina downsteam from Morrisburg at 4pm as winds picked and we are anttcipating 15-20kt tonight. High winds tomorrow. again with risk of afternoon storms.
Here is a picture of Prescott -Ogdenburg Bridge as well as some of the downwind sailing we enjoyed. Actually sailed all day except for the locks, Had to run engine for an hour when at anchor to charge up the batteries for the night

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Brockville July 14, 2010

Arrived 4pm after stopping in the municipal harbour to stretch legs. Anchored off Victoria Island just outside the downtown centre, and only a 100 metres off the main shipping channel. Busy and active stretch of the St Lawrence
No sailing today , fighting a 10 k headwind. 32 miles made today. Water getting colder 69 degrees.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Kingston And Gananoque

27 miles yesterday & 24 today. We are about 5 miles west of Ivy Lea bridge and 5 miles east of Gananoque. Making great time.
Yesterday had a great sail into Kingston, arrived about 2pm. A great looking city, on the style of Ottawa with the old limestone buildings and a fantastic waterfront, busy with people. Odd though looking across this harbour to the west you see Royal Military College and the south you this huge wind generator farm, at least 30 of them.
A "Nonsuch" rendevous taking place in Confederation Basin. Must be 30 or more of these tugboat shaped boats, but they can sail well. A terrific windstorm blew in last night clocking winds at 20 (40k)knots steady with gusts just below 30, the winds brought in the waves and even though we were in protected harbour the boats road the dock most of the night.
Winds still high today, so we didn't leave until 11am, with pending thunderstorms and rain we contemplated staying another night, but at $58, we decided to move on.

All said and done, it wasn't a bad day, not much sailing but a bit. Quit at 4pm and now are anchored in the Navy Islands, awaiting a possible thunderstorm this evening. Weather warning in effect. We are in behind some islands anticipating it coming from the southwest. Caught a couple of pike, but threw them back as I didn't feel like cleaning them. Largest fish I have caught in the last 5 years.

I have attached a few pictures for you to view. A couple of Kingston, awakening to bag pipes. at 8am in Kingston Harbour , the wind mill farm .
I'm not sure but I think you can enlarge them when you click on them
Love to all, especially new baby Charlie Fay born Thursday July 8. That makes 2 grand girls and 3 grand boys. The guys are still winning

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Lake Ontario

Made it down the Bay of Quinte to Lake Ontario today about 36 miles. Actually did about 4 hours sailing and 5 motoring.15 knot head wind down down Long Reach,(south of Napanee). We weren't making much headway, tacking across a 1 kilometer bay. Hung in there for three hours then decided to motor up the Reach for an hour , then caught a downwind run up Adolphus Reach at 3- 4 knots. Definitely refreshing. A beautiful day again.Water temperature dropped about 5 degrees. Going to make the run to Kingston tomorrow.
Anchored in Prinyer Cove. 25 miles east of Kingston
Pictures of a Freighter we passed going up the Bay of quinte to Picton Bay, the Ferry service at Glenora and the harbour in Prinyer Cove.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Boat is back

Spent the day at CFB Trenton Yacht Club, making the boat a sailboat again. One of the smoothest times I had putting the "stick " back up.($80 for the stepping and $25 for truss storage and $33 for overnight mooring,) Another hot one today.
We will try to actually sail tomorrow on our way through Belleville to Picton, then to Kingston.
We'll see how much sailing we can do.

Sorry no pictures tonight, too much work today. In 6 hours we had the boat ready to sail.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Made it through the last lock at 6:45pm. With the rain all day we decided to make the run from Healey Falls (76 ft drop -2 flight lock) to Trenton. Presently at Murray Canal (Bay of Quinte) on the "free" wall for the night.
Locked through 17 locks and 31 miles plus an additional 5 over to Murray Canal. They want $1/foot in the Trent canal system, still reasonable in boating terms, but we decided to take the extra hour cruise for the free night. ( started today at 8:30am , finished at 8pm)
You don't realize how much we dropped today until I started adding it up We started the day at 430 ft above sea level and now are 230 ft above sea level. (17 locks did their work) . Still more to drop as we head further downstream to Montreal
Here are a few pictures to go along with today's events

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Healey falls

Another long day , 2 locks and 50 miles, another hot one. water is tepid 80 degrees
Day was rather uneventful as we continued down the Otanabee River across Rice Lake and now down the Trent river on the home stretch. Boat running great, and mast supports sturdy, Glad I listened to the guys on K-dock - thanks.
17 locks to go so we should arrive in Trenton on Saturday. The traffic on the system is minimal. Alot of Americans up from Tennessee and South. ( 10 boats , mostly big Mainship trawlers.) Only seen 3 other sailboats on system.

Healey falls

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Achoring on the Ottonabee River 6 miles south of Peterborough. 9 locks and only 27 miles, totally wiped out Another hot day harrassed by horseflys & wasps. A couple of soft groundings. We have 80 miles left to Trenton.


No connection last night, but nothing much happen. Hit rock on entrance chane Bobcageon
Extreeemly warm , mosquitos and bugs force you in the cabin at 8:30-9pm. Hot in there.
Yesterday made it to Burleigh Falls lock and anchored off just below the falls.
Osprey family living in the trees above the boat. I will try and upload the picture and if you zoom in should be the critters.
Yesterday 3 locks and 41 miles. , heading into Peterborough (21mi) then continue on. See you later.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Fenlon Falls

6 locks and 33 miles later, this is where we are. Man it was a sticky one. Humidex 35, small shower at 1pm,deer flies, didn't help much.

Sunday, July 4, 2010