Sorry for the delay, but we have been tryig t figure out where nowhere was.
Last Sunday ( the day of all the rain) we locked downstream to Lake Simcoe. As luck would have it and because crew member "Murphy" was on board, we entered Simcoe around 5pm and the high wind alert came out for all to seek a port. We headed to Beaverton and tied up on the wall for the night. Within a half an hour the sun was out and a beautiful evening.
On monday we headed to Orillia, to meet up with all the kids (except Chris). Had the opportunity to meet our new grandaughter Charlotte Fay, now a month old. All the grand kids were there and we had a great evening. Had a chance to reprovision , do some laundry, clean up the boat for the next adventure.
Tuesday we left Orillia and locked down the Severn and arrived in Georgian Bay. Anchored off the family cottage at Methodist Island. Cottage was sold and closing date is this week. Met with the Admiral's father the next day to close the cottage up.
Thursday headed up to Penetang to put the mast up then headed over to Beckwith Island for the night.
Friday we went to Cabots Head (Tobermory) and today we sit in Killarny, where the Journey continues. A bit exhausted having done a 100 miles in 1-2 meter waves the last 2 days ( 18 hours) What sailing we did was great.
This part of the journey is to be the relaxing part, I hope so. We are now over a 1000 nautical miles since we stsrted and have finished week 6.
Another boat may be on the horizon in a few years, but I won't hold my breath yet.
Sorry no pictures today . The internet access over the last few days has been limited as well. Talk later.
Surprised you didn't have a few more crew and your first mate didn't jump ship while in dock