Starting out

The first step is the hardest, especially if it is on water. You sink or float. That being said it is hoped that all will work out one way or another.
4 options await us:
we come back with the boat
we come back with each other
we come back back with the boat and each other
we don't come back
Relatively simple eh!

Now to get down to see if I can get this blog page set up.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The start

Guess you have to start somewhere, so I'm going to start with the Journey to Nowhere, that way the expectations are not so high, I can't acheive them, but more realisticly you need to be somewhere so you can get to Nowhere .
There sure is going to be a lot of Nowhere's as well as many Somewhere's.

If you get the sence, that there may be a lot of nowheres, somewheres, somethings, nothings, you may just be right.
So in the true sence of starting something. I'm going to try and figure out how this blogging works. Like anything it takes a first step, so here goes


  1. Because you start somewhere you will never have a nowhere and you will always have something instead of a nothing, but you will never have nothing because you had something to start which will always be your somewhere.

  2. give Sarah a call while you are in Montreal, I am sure she would love to have the company
